This past weekend I was able to fit in the last of my travels around Jo'burg. I went on a bicycle tour around Soweto (short for South West Township), which is one of the largest townships, certainly the most famous in South Africa. Soweto is the famous site that District 9 was shot in, although its anything far from it. I thought it was one of the most "vibey" places I've been to in Jo'burg and I would highly recommend anybody to go visit it. The townships were developed for the non-whites to live in. Although Soweto has a bad reputation of being dangerous, being there it was far from it. In fact, one of the girls I met at the hostel told me about how she ventured into Jo'burg and got mugged! In addition to Soweto, I visited the Sterkfontein Caves in the Cradle of Human Kind (second world Heritage Site I've been to in 2 months!). Being the dork that I am I had to visit the caves because this is where they found one of the earliest human fossils, it was also referred to in the book "A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. Ha, yes I am a dork! Anyway, here are some pictures from the trips and around Jo'burg. Since today was my last day of classes, I am off to travel for the remainder of March. Here's what I have planned so far: safari in Kruger National Park, diving in Sodwana Bay, party in Cape Town, surfing the Garden Route and then back to Jo'burg! Please feel free to give me advice!!
Dolphins in Durban
Italian with the Italians
World Cup Stadium-Jo'burg. This is where the opening and closing ceremony will be, and yes that is massive construction outside...
Entering Soweto
The tall lamp post was used as curfew lights
Stopped for a drink at the local "shebeen" or drinking place in the township
"Cow Head Meat" Yummm
Plaque at Hector Pieterson Square remembering the student uprising (protesting the teaching of Africaans in the black schools) in Soweto where 13 year old Hector Pieterson was shot dead along with many others.
Plaque outside Nelson Mandela's house that was converted into a museum in Soweto
Bunny Chow in Durban
Bunny Chow in Soweto
That Anna's so hot right now